AR Design

2nd Sarajevo Designs Meetup (November 2018th)

Second Sarajevo Dribbble Meetup and Sketch Group Get Together organized by Sarajevo Designs Community was scheduled for November 15th, 2018 with focus on "AR design".

Once again Mistral has powered this event by providing space, drinks, snacks, tech support and a few more surprises. The Meetup "after party" kickstarted a Sketch Meetup Group so some additional surprises were given out to the participants.

Meetup Agenda was:
6:00 PM Welcome & Registration
6:15 PM Adnan Puzić - Practical VS Functional Design
6:40 PM Amra Pašanović - Making AR Apps
7:05 PM Kenan Zekić - Play UK Sarajevo - Mine Avoiders Gamification
7:30 PM Mehdi Rashadatjou - Augmented Reality; Tips & Tricks
8:00 PM Sketch Group Get Together + Analog Playoffs

Amra showcasing the AR app for Gazzda furniture

The meetup was a blast with more than 100 people attending!
Mehdi sharing developmers perspective on AR and design.

Meetup atmosphere.

More photos from the meetup and information about the new events can be found on the Sarajevo Designs page.

Sarajevo Dribbble Meetup is organised by Sarajevo Designs group with the goal of creating and strengthening community for all product, UI, UX, and graphic designers and all other creatives from similar disciplines in Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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